"Laurie has the ability to clear away the layers that keep most people from truly connecting with their inner wisdom. "
- Stephanie S. , Client
"I highly recommend working with Laurie if you want to increase self-understanding, health, and emotional well being."
- Suzanne O., Client
"Laurie is such a beautiful person with a kind and loving heart for both animals and people. She has learned about so many holistic healing methods in order to help animals live happier, healthier and longer lives. Laurie has a wonderful intuitive connection with animals on a heart and soul level."
- Kim S. & Allison C.
Ever since I can remember, I have felt the presence of Spirit and the angels all around me. I grew up on a horse farm in the country where I spent most of my time with the animals and nature beings. As an empath, I could feel their unconditional love and support embody every part of my being.
As I worked with clients throughout my career as a massage and movement therapist, I was consistently guided by Spirit as to what type of healing was appropriate in the moment for each individual. What seemed to be a physical healing to the client, was really happening in the unseen worlds. I activated Reiki, stated my intention and allowed my compassionate guiding Spirits to work through me.
In 2010, I lost a beloved animal companion, Maggie. She guided me to connect on a deeper level with Spirit. I became an Animal Consultant with The Lightfoot Way. I learned to assist animals and their owners to better their relationships, health and overall quality of life. I learned many modalities to nurture this process such as animal communications, muscle testing, nutrition, crystal, color, and flower essence remedies. Maggie told me “you are a healer for all creation. As everything is alive and holds wisdom, virtue, and power. A soul exists in all natural beings.”
In 2017, I began my shamanic practice with Stacie Codino of Spirit Awakenings. I learned to journey and meet my Spirit allies and angels which continues to be a transformational experience that is limitless and magical. They have clearly shown me the unfolding of my spiritual gifts and that the world needs me as a healer.
I am here to assist you to on this earth walk to unlearn all that society has conditioned you to believe you are and to relearn who you TRULY are at the core and essence of your soul. As you call your power back, you will remember your light.
Now is the time to plant the garden of energy that your heart and soul desire. What beauty will you create?
May You Walk In Beauty,

A Guide to Empowering Choices in Your Health and Well-Being
Humanity is not composed of billions of carbon copies. We each possess highly personalized requirements for mental, spiritual, and physical health. Modern medicine, while effective in many areas, fails to account for this important truth.